Bennington Public Schools provides Supplemental Reading instruction for those students who have unmet learning needs in the area of reading. The students’ needs may vary, but each need is addressed by the reading teacher and supported through research based material, plus strategies and interventions which match district philosophy and curriculum.
- The Supplemental Reading Program is an extension of the core reading curriculum, it does not replace it.
- The Supplemental Reading Program is intended to provide students additional skill work which will give the students the ability to maintain progress with peers in the future.
- Research shows, supplemental support is most successful while students are learning to read; therefore, services are concentrated in grades 1 – 3. Kindergarten students receive support within the regular classroom environment.
- Student groups were created with an average of 3 students per group. This decision was based on research which shows the smaller the group, the more effective the instruction. This is also similar to Fountas & Pinnell’s guidelines, which is the district's currently adopted supplemental reading curriculum.
- The average group meets with the reading teacher for 20 minutes, 3 days per week.
- Special education students with reading goals do not receive services through the Supplemental Reading Program.