This is a printable sight word list for at home practice. Bennington Public Schools uses the Fry word list for our primary students.
This is a list of comprehension behaviors each student should independently demonstrate when reading instructional level texts. The levels highlighted here are the proficient levels for the average Kindergarten student. (For more advanced comprehension behaviors, see other grade level bands.)
This is a list of possible discussion questions for both fiction and nonfiction texts in the average Kindergarten reading range. It is a helpful resource to extend and build critical thinking comprehension skills and deeper discussion abilities when reading with students at home. (For more advanced discussion questions, see other grade level bands.)
first grade
This is a printable sight word list for at home practice. Bennington Public Schools uses the Fry word list for our primary students.
This is a list of comprehension behaviors each student should independently demonstrate when reading instructional level texts. The levels highlighted here are the proficient levels for the average first grade student. (For either lower or more advanced comprehension behaviors, see other grade level bands.)
This is a list of possible discussion questions for both fiction and nonfiction texts in the average first grade reading range. It is a helpful resource to extend and build critical thinking comprehension skills and deeper discussion abilities when reading with students at home. (For either lower or more advanced discussion questions, see other grade level bands.)
Second Grade
This is a printable sight word list for at home practice. Bennington Public Schools uses the Fry word list for our primary students.
This is a list of comprehension behaviors each student should independently demonstrate when reading instructional level texts. The levels highlighted here are the proficient levels for the average second grade student. (For either lower or more advanced comprehension behaviors, see other grade level bands.)
This is a list of possible discussion questions for both fiction and nonfiction texts in the average second grade reading range. It is a helpful resource to extend and build critical thinking comprehension skills and deeper discussion abilities when reading with students at home. (For either lower or more advanced discussion questions, see other grade level bands.)
third-Fifth grade
This is a printable sight word list for at home practice. Bennington Public Schools uses the Fry word list for our primary students.
This is a list of comprehension behaviors each student should independently demonstrate when reading instructional level texts. The levels highlighted here are the proficient levels for the average third grade student. (For lower comprehension behaviors, see other grade level bands.)
This is a list of possible discussion questions for both fiction and nonfiction texts in the average third grade reading range. It is a helpful resource to extend and build critical thinking comprehension skills and deeper discussion abilities when reading with students at home. (For lower discussion questions, see other grade level bands.)